BCA and URA met the SPM Management Council on 27th May 2024 at the BCA Braddell Campus. The objective of the session was to understand first hand the objectives of CORENET X and the impact to Project Managers in their planning of new and ongoing projects. The key objective of CORENET X is to make the industry more productive by digital adoption and strengthening close collaboration amongst the stakeholders early in the construction process.
Er. Clement Tseng (Group Director, BCA) and Ms. Goh Chin Chin (Group Director, URA) explained that CORENET X is a co-creation effort led by BCA and URA in close collaboration with regulatory agencies, leading built environment professionals, firms and Trade Associations and Chambers (TACs). CORENET X transforms the current regulatory landscape and practices through adoption of BIM technologies and collaborative workflows. In consultation with other regulatory agencies as well as all the key BE players, including consultants, developers and contractors, they released the first version of the CORENET X Code of Practice (COP) to guide industry on the information required across the key submission gateways under CORENET X, from the pre-application phase all the way to obtaining TOP/CSC.
BCA and URA highlighted some of the key dates that the industry needs to be aware of. From June 2024 onwards, CORENET X will be open to industry for submissions on a voluntary basis. It will then be mandatory for all new projects from 1st April 2025, and existing projects will be onboarded from 1H 2026. There are currently 6 ongoing pilot projects and feedback from these will be evaluated to refine the process further. Under the new regulatory approval process of CORENET X, industry will now have to collaborate upfront and prepare a coordinated submission for approval unlike the current method of separate submissions. All CORENET X submissions will have to be prepared in accordance with the requirements and processes stated in the COP. Upon submission, agencies will review the submission collectively and provide a single consolidated response to the project team. In addition, CORENET X will provide all project members greater transparency on the project submission status.
In order for industry to be prepared, they are encouraged to start preparation early by attending CORENET X training courses, familiarising with the COP and taking part in voluntary submissions. More information can be found on the CORENET X website (www.go.gov.sg/cx). Other areas to be strengthened is the quality of BIM resources within each firm.
The SPM will organise a follow up webinar on this topic to create better awareness and reach.
SPM would like to place its appreciation to both BCA and URA for this engaging session.
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